Poncho has been getting down to business!!!!
We had one semi-unproductive ride in the ring. Only because he had several days off in a row (I know bad me) so he was like huuh? You want me to do what? On the bit????? Needless to say we went back a few steps. But by the end of the ride we were rockin' it.
However the main thing we did last week was hack out! Tuesday we were out in the field where he was absolutely determined that the deer were going to come out and consume him. Luckily they did not. We worked on trotting at the front of the field. Poncho finds this semi-difficult. I mean he has to trot down a little hill and back up on a circle non-the-less! Tricky, tricky. ha.
Wednesday was our ring day I talked about earlier.
Thursday I made it out for a quick visit. I had my doggie with me (because he always comes to work with me on Thursdays) and none of my barn stuff. Sooo no work was done. (I hope to remember my things tomorrow) Poncho was not too happy of a camper that he didn't get to do anything.
Friday was pretty much a repeat Monday minus the horse eating deer. They still made an appearance but he didn't think they were carnivores on this day! Yippe.
Saturday and Sunday I didn't make it out because I had to work all weekend BOOOOO!
Monday the field situation got all changed up. The Barn Owner was going out of town so the other mare was in our ponies field for now. Which meant that the other field was open. YAY new field to hack in for a few days. So we went over there for a few minutes. It was a mega short ride because we have had some super hot days in the 70's compared to 40's and 50's. Poncho was one hot boy thank goodness he's semi-clipped. He didn't even want to trot! Poor man.
Yesterday it was rainy and yucky in the morning so I was hoping the lady barn sitting had put his rain sheet on before it started! I was so worried about that I wasn't even to upset that I was soaked myself (I work outside). Luckily it was by the time I got out there. Too bad it was almost sunset. SO I could only switch him into his medium blankie and call it a day.
Today he was a beast! He got down to business immediately! Hell yes! Almost from the start he was rounding up and moving out. We still had our moments of rebellion but they were few and far between. I was so happy. Our canter was loads better than it's been in forever! Progress. I love getting our consistency back. Now I just need money for lessons!