So on Sunday Poncho came in with a nice little chunk missing from his left eye lid. Who knows what he smacked it on but it wasn't bad at least. Since mom was working Midnite we ended up riding in the ring. Boring but he lived through it. We had some spectacular trot work really nice and forward. He even had some glimmers of really truly coming on the bit (I'm still adamant not to make him - but to let him figure it out). He was a bit feisty on his left canter lead - but it was more fun than annoying. On his right lead we are still having some issues. He would only bend to the left if I put him in a circle in the middle of the ring around a jump. Weird. Luckily I put it on the schedule that we are going to do some chiro work on the ponies on this coming Wednesday (3/21). Overall Poncho was a superstar and was so close to putting all the pieces together.
I didn't get out again 'til Tuesday and then I was only there long enough to put some goop on his eyelid. Although with all the heat we've had I'm sure he wasn't complaining about no work.
Yesterday (Friday) I was finally able to get back out to get a nice productive ride it. I decided we are boycotting the ring for who knows how long (it's semi-impossible at this barn). So once we were tacked up we headed to the ring to mount up since a nice boarder offered to let me into the gelding field once I was on. Instead of just hacking around getting him used to it like last time we pretty much just went to work. We trotted up and down the fence line several times. He got some walk breaks in just because that was a lonnnng stretch (it's a 14 acre field). He loved every minute of it. He trotted so fast and forward at times I just had to get into two-point because it was impossible to post. Silly pony. We did that for about a half hour then headed back to the barn. Instead of letting Poncho get off to easy he got a bath. Oh the horrors. He wasn't too thrilled about going in the wash stall but once he got in he was a pro. I know he secretly enjoyed the cool down. I was going to clip him but decided not to since I didn't have back-up just in case he pulled a Poncho. So he just got cooled off and pampered a bit. Of course he was fed copious amounts of treats - he's just too cute.
Then right after I turned him back out he just had to go and roll....
Today I was planning on a repeat of yesterday's ride. However the universe had different plans. We had one nice trot down the field but as we were coming back things quickly unraveled. One of the mare's started running up the field (the two fields are side by side one separated by a driveway) so Poncho lost his marbles. He was trying to bolt for all he was worth but luckily I was already prepared. The rest of our time was just spent trying to calm him down. It worked to an extent. I'm not too bummed because just a few months ago if that happened I would have been flung out of the field into the driveway. Haha.Just to cool his marbles a little bit more once I hopped off we handwalked around the indoor for a few. He held it together in there. Only some minor spooks.
So I guess you could say he really is growing up.
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