Back tracking a little - Poncho HATES kids they are minions of the devil. As it were when I went out into the field to say hello sine I drove out all thay way and stuff his cute little face with treats he had spotted said children in the pond field and was on HIGH alert. (Choice well made not to ride, it would have been a suicide mission practically) He was calm and cool for me to love on him though. He even groomed me back a little bit.
It's not the end of the world that he's getting a little mini-vacation (3 rides in 2 weeks = nothing in the grand scheme of things). I just reallllllly wanted to ride today. However we will get back on track and tomorrow will probably be more conducive to me surviving. I mean come on 3 rides in 2 weeks and I want to ride on a gusty day with demons running around. Mr. Poncho would be looking for things to jump from behind every tree, around every corner, and maybe even fall from the sky. Who knows, hopefully tomorrow will be the day!
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