Poncho's first ride in his figure 8 was perfect. He was going on the bit and just moving out beautifully! I was over the moon impressed with him. Just a lovely, lovely, lovely ride. The next day he decided he was a bit tired of the ring and put on his pouty face. I also had lowered the bit a hole to try and make it more comfortable (however he said he likes it better higher - go figure). After riding in the ring for a while we hacked out in the mare field he looooved that. We even trotted all they way back up the field, although Poncho thought we should go faster. He obliged and trotted, just really fast.
Monday he was off, then on Tuesday we headed back out to the mare field for a change of scenery. However the cows were out next door. That blew his poor mind. He finally conquered the cow then they moved and we had to start all over. We ended up just trotting around the area by the barn and even though he wasn't 100% focused he was good.
Wednesday we hacked out in the gelding field with Mom and Midnite - just walked. Poncho was not too amused with all the slow work. So after he had Thursday off on Friday we headed back out to the gelding field to let him let loose. After trotting around the field (in all two-point for me) I let him just go down the field. And boy did he appreciate it. He was flying, not really just for the work we are doing now. After walking around for a few then I wanted to just trot back down the field. He didn't agree. About 1/2 way down I couldn't hold him back anymore. So he had a nice collected canter all the way back. Silly.
Yesterday he was a superstar! He was soooo hyper we had to canter it out before we could do any productive work. Although he still really doesn't want to pick up his left lead in there we finally got it. We even did some jumping! Only a little cross rail but it's the first time he's jumped without refusing when he has a bit in his mouth. I was just so so so happy! I didn't get the best trot work ever he just wanted to go go go . But I was still super pleased with him.
Today I was planning on just giving him a bath. Good thing too it turns out he pulled a shoe this morning. Apparently he had it when he was leaving the pond field this morning and pulled it in the few hours he was in the mare field with Midnite before we got there. Luckily the farrier is coming out Wednesday for another horse so Pony gets a new shoe. I couldn't find his lost one though, not for lack of trying. My mom and I were out there looking for over an hour today. Poncho and Midnite even helped us look for a while. It was pretty adorable! Nothing though! Needless to say on the way home I stopped to get some bell boots.