Sunday, June 17, 2012

We are rockin' it!

On Thursday we just hacked out in the gelding field to keep it simple. Initially I planned on only walking. However, Poncho be Poncho he decided on the last lap as we were coming towards to barn he was just going to trot and ignore any attempt at slowing. So we did transitions within the trot the whole way back. Silly pony.

Friday I ended up riding wayyy late that evening. My Mom decided she wanted to meet out at the barn when she was done at work. I ended up getting some video taken. But before I post it I'd like to point out a few things. 1. our left lead canter is nonexistent in this video. I just couldn't get him to pick it up for anything. And he gets wayyy hyper during cantering so slowing down can take awhile! 2. this is about the 2nd ride where he has jumped without refusals in a long time. So it's a bit rough around the edges. 3. this was our first "working" ride in about a week which = sloppy, sloppy me.

Yesterday it was just me. Poncho was wayyy hyped up from the previous night. He gave me one of our most exciting rides this year. When we were working on cantering he was just flying! I literally thought on several occasions we would run into/through/or even jump the fence. Wowzers. However I was able to pull him together. We got the left lead - eventually. We got a controlled canter - eventually. And basically I had a blast! Then we hacked out in the gelding field to cool out.

Today my Pony was a rockstar! He was softening to the bit a lot. (It's been progressing the last few rides). He was keeping a consistent pace. Our right lead canter looked way better than in the video. We stayed in circles and just moved the circles all over the ring. Our left lead we ended up getting much much sooner. And it was 10x better than yesterday's. He started off in such a controlled pace - still mad fast but about 1/2 of what I had yesterday. He still had his moments of "you can't make me" but he came back to me much sooner. To reward him we popped over the crossrail 2 times then on a whim I headed for another jump just around the turn. It didn't have a placing pole so he backed off for a second. I put leg on and we sailed on over. He was definitely thinking hard about that one. Ha. I'm hoping that by this time next week we can do a mini-course.


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