I suppose now it was a week ago that we had those horrible storms. Due to that Poncho had Friday and Saturday off. On Sunday I wasn't planning on riding but Midnite lost her flymask so I offered to hack Poncho around to see if I could see it. Well the good news is I found it, eventually. However Poncho was H-Y-P-E-R! Before I even got all the way in the saddle he was trotting off. I managed to wrangle him into walking for a few steps at a time. But for the most part we trotted the whole 14 acres attempting to spot the flymask. I had figured at the time even if I didn't see it he would and we'd be flying sideways so i'd know it had been found. After finding he had a moment of some bucking, hopping, and squealing. Silly dude so we went to the ring for some productive energy burning work. And work we did. Lots of circles by the end I was actually really proud of our circles. They were actually CIRCLES! Score. Boy did he have a powerful trot that day. We never even cantered because by the time we got to that point we were both so drenched.
Monday and Tuesday pony had off.
Wednesday he was lacking his usual spunk but put in a respectable session. I figure he was still tired from being shod the previous day. He did not approve of Midnite being gone so long during her turn and proceeded to run and run and run some more around the field. Needless to say he was a tried and sweaty boy. So I didn't push the ride too much. Afterwards to reward him we hacked around the back of the barn for a change of scenery.
Thursday he had off.
Friday I wanted to have a nice hack in the pond field just to clear our minds. Instead we ended up burning off some energy. That morning Poncho got a new buddy, TC, who decided he just loooooves Poncho as in screaming his head off the whole time we are gone love. Poncho was trotting around off and on like the previous Sunday but much more controlled, thank goodness. We finally calmed down some when TC realized where we were. So he came running. Poncho was paying attention. Neither was I. Next thing you know we are facing the opposite direction just hauling ass back towards the run-in in that field. Holly cow it took about 5 strides for me to even process what happened. Luckily he came back fairly quickly and he walked semi-calmly back to the scary place. We ended it shortly after that so as not to push our luck too much.
Saturday we got out to the barn too late. So I just hosed him off.
Today however time was on our side. We started off in the ring just to make sure he was listening and TC's frantic running wouldn't spook him too much today. I put on my spurs to try and help with our cantering I though I may get a clearer aid to him. He was not too focused but complied with what I asked. He had 2 almost bolts one due to TC and one due to the BO's daugther coming onto their balcony and screaming at TC. I managed to get a right lead canter that he didn't fall in as much as usual. I got the left lead on the FIRST try, spurs = success! It was amazing he was wicked fast though. But I love his enthusiasm when he gets it right. Then we trotted a little more, cooled out and then headed out back around the barn to the mare field for a quick hack out there. Soon it will be open again to hack it all the time SCORE. Then he got hosed off and I gave him breakfast.
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