The next day when we got out they were running about having a grand old time. So I snapped pictures for a while. Then to wait them out some my mom and I went exploring on the trails around the property. Once we got back the ponies had calmed down considerably. So I tacked Poncho up and headed to the ring. We only did a quick ride w/t and the hack back the field. He was super duper for his first time down there. Not too spooky.
Monday I felt like death, my arms were going to fall off and I couldn't even put my car in park without my back killing me. So no barn.
Tuesday it was HOT by the time I got out there and the bugs were out with a vengeance. I still attempted to ride. We hacked some in the field which was not a raging success. I didn't think anything of leaving Midnite in there with us because why would she be a problem? Wrong. She was up his but the whole time or running at us on into us. FAIL. So we left the field. Rode in the ring for a few where he got a little pigheaded about falling in again. No surprise there. He cantered once - I didn't ask for it but it was nice and calm. Then I rode down the driveway and back to the field.
Wednesday was an epic bug failure. I couldn't do anything on him. He was just hopping and twisting all over so I quit and called it a day.
Thursday I got there and someone else was riding his new pasture buddy. So he was back in with the ladies. I take him out to tack up and he loses his sanity. After several failed attempts I give up and turn him back out. Head back to the barn to grab some ointment for Midnite and the flyspray. Get back out to the ponies and Poncho is now lame. WHATTHEHELL! So I go back to the barn to grab bute and a halter to further assess situation. Although it turns out after about 15 minutes of me leaving him alone it was just a bug that got into his bell boot. 1g of bute wasted!Oh well.
Today I got a fairly productive ride in. Rode with the BO. In the field. W/T/C. Still didn't ask for the canter but he was just happy and wanted to go so I let him have some fun. I felt like I was 75% in control during canter - much improved. His trot work could have been smoother but he's not used to such a hilly area to trot. It'll just take some time. Ponyman just rocks. He's pretty much acting like a total rockstar. You'd never know he hasn't even been at this barn a whole week!
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