Wednesday pony was all down to business. He was forward and bendy. By the end of the ride he was pretty much staying on the bit at all gaits except canter. That's still a work in progress. But he was so cool and calm I even hacked him back up the barn once we were done.
Thursday he had off. My knee was killing me so I couldn't make the drive out.
Friday was our "easy" day. Just a simple hack in the field. He was abit more defiant that day. He was most determined that my right rein would not be accepted and that my left leg would not be tolerated. Gooberhead was most determined to no accept either. Eventually we worked through it enough that I was I guess you could say pleased. I was hoping for better, but I can't always get ahead of myself and assume he's putting his A game on every single day. That's not realistic.
Yesterday he was extremely distracted. He could not and would not pay attention for about the first half of the ride. I eventually got him listening somewhat. And then he put on the brakes and tried to run backwards. Boy did I get after him. He got some well placed kicks and finally got down to work. I guess in his mind he was going to be "bad" but ended up going on the bit the best he's ever done in a long time! At the canter we were an epic disaster he was trying to do a 90 degree turn and run into a corner. So out came my GRRRRR face we got it. But it definitely wasn't pretty. Then we had to hack around for a long time. We went down the driveway then around the field for a while. It took oodles of time after that to cool him out though. He's going to need to be clipped soon.
Today was was HIGH AS A KITE. He was ready to run. It took forever to get him to be not be tense but we finally got it. We were out in the field. A few minutes before we called it quits for the day he took off! We ran straight through a tree. Holy Moly that was a bit too close for comfort. Silly dude.
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