However I was still determined to ride. Sunday rolled around and I managed to get off of work a little early - SCORE. Then I got to the barn and poor Poncho was starting to have another coughing attack. I gave him some Banamine and Dex again, then in about 20 minutes he was a okay. Obviously though I was not going to ride! So I figured hopefully Monday he'll still be good and I can have a nice hack. Nope that didn't happen. He was okay though, I just found out that if I wanted to get my hair done I had to be there at 4:30 so I had no time to ride. Boo.
Finally yesterday I got to "ride" I use the term ride loosely. It was mega, mega windy and cold! Poncho was being a gentleman so I figured okay I'll give it a go. I was just going to hack around the field a little he was being good until all the horses moved towards the front. Then he started to bunny hop. Soon after I aborted my plan.
Today we had the vet out for shots and to figure out what the heck is going on with my boy. It's definitely a hay allergy. At the rate he's going if we don't get it under control he's going to get heaves! Needless to say I'm pretty much freaking out about that. SO now I have to get the BO to soak his hay instead of her idea of just rinsing it. Hopefully that will go as planned and he'll be 100% in no time. Also Poncho was a super star for his shots (he's notoriously crazy, killer, crazy) the vet was so proud of him! I was so proud he's come such a long, long way!
I even got the chance to have a quick hack today. Unfortunately the ring was so frozen it didn't last long and we never went above a walk - boo hoo. But atleast he's gotten ridden 2x this week he's happy. He gets wayy to cranky these days when he's not in work.
Cute pic. Hope the soaking hay helps.