Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Poncho, the superstar.
Yesterday I finished up at work early so I managed to squeeze out to the barn. I lucked out and ended up being the only one there! So I changed and went out to grab Ponch man. I decided on a whim to do a quick sheath cleaning before our ride. He can get kind of cranky if he's got a little (and I do mean little) bean up there. He did. I got it. He kicked out. He calmed down. He got treats. Simple time to move on. We tacked up and headed for the ring. I needed to move some poles out of the way so Poncho tagged along with me.
He was bit iffy at the mounting block. Not unusual these days. Don't know what's gotten into him. So we worked on that a little. We warmed up by just meandering around for a little getting him to listen to my leg for direction not leaning on the reins. (we were in the hackamore) Then we moved onto trotting where he promptly gave me his I can't and won't do this attitude. Where I promptly slid the reins through my fingers kicked and smacked him with the whip. He was not convinced immediately. It took a couple of times. But then he just surged forward and gave me some of the best trot work to date. We did some pole work that was already set up nothing fancy or difficult. After doing that a few times we cantered each direction. He was very forward in his canter it was very nice. His left lead is still far better than his right. He still gets sticky on his right in the "stop" corner. We worked on that too and came to a nice understanding and it only took one kick and one buck! Proud. Then we walked around for a few because at this point I was huffing and puffing. We picked up our trot work again and trotted a circle in each corner, both directions to get him supple. We did some leg yields at the trot - which I was super impressed with for our first time trying them. Did a little more pole work. Then I did a lap of two point in each direction, I wanted to start of slow with it and not kill myself. However come to find out i'm not even remotely sore today from it.
After we were done I needed my vest so to the car we went. Where Poncho found it fascinating that I could "disappear". Then I did lots more grooming on him. Love to pamper pony. He was bombarded with treats and attention out in the field too. I was just over the moon with how he went. I was even kind of bummed that there was no one around to see my super pony in action.!!!
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