Then work picked up massively or it was yucky and dreary so I didn't get back out until Friday night. Unfortunately on Friday there was only enough daylight left for me to make a mad dash out in the fields to blanket.
Which leaves us with yesterday. Oh what an interesting day it was. It was pretty darn cold considering the winter we've been having - so low 40's with windchills in the low 30's was pretty bitter. I decided to work Poncho in the indoor because we both hate it so much. But need to get used to it for nasty days. I rode for about 10 minutes w/t before deciding for his benefit to untack and let him loose in there to get his "sillies" out. He definitely didn't put up much of a show. Figures but it was actually good he kept his composure. That is until it started to snow - in which Mom panicked trying to get everything in and then got super excited because it was SNOWING. Apparently Poncho massively fed off her energy and started freaking out. So to prevent things from escalating to far I had to blanket him and take him back to the field. Easier said then done. Poncho is a big bully by nature. I've managed to curb those natural tendencies 90% of the time, except for when he's in panic mode. So he's trying to run me over while I hold him for Mom (she refuses to hold him when he's in this state). I took several well placed elbows to the shoulder to get him to settle and then he was golden until we went outside. By now the snow was coming down so hard that you could barely see. Poncho kept trying to run infront of me but he was manageable. After what seemed like forever we got the field. By the time I got the halter off he just calmly walked off. Go figure.
Then I promptly grabbed my camera and some treats for Poncho for putting up with the craziness that was the indoor attempt.
beautiful pics!