We've been off to a productive week so far. Three rides in a row!!!!!!!!!! Of course since he's been off for a little over a week they haven't been the best rides, oh well.
Monday and Tuesday were just flatwork rides focusing on forward and softness. They were moderately successful. But we still have a bit of work to do so that we can catch up to where we left off.
Today I decided to jump, when I got to the barn someone had set up a bunch of new jumps so why not! He was pretty freaking awesome. We had a slightly rocky start while he was figuring out his balance. But he put in some really nice jumps overall. Of course it didn't help that I had quite a bit of lack of control on the flat, but he was listening much better when I gave him something to focus on!
Here's to hoping we can keep up this good streak!
Awesome! Keep it up :)