Yesterday I lucked out and the weather decided to stay nice all day. Which was perfect because I was not feeling heading out to the barn first thing, I went to a Marilyn Mason show on Thursday (which was great!). So I was not super awake first thing. But I finally got my act together around 2:30 and went out to ride.
It wasn't a super long ride but it was just what I needed. He was nearly perfect for the whole thing! It completely made my day!
This morning I was working the barn and my mom wanted to come out and help so we could ride early. WELL I must mention how OCD I am about doing barn stuff. I have a certain order that everything has to be done and then I divide that into sections of 4 horses that must go in the same order. Of course my mom didn't get with the program, not that I expected her to. But it really got me agitated. SO I didn't have the best ride. It lacked focus and after awhile I just said screw we'll just hack out so Poncho can atleast enjoy his time.
I hate when that kinda thing happens to me but I just have to do things a certain way. It's a work in progress I guess! Better luck to me next time!
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