Saturday, August 4, 2012

Chaos ensues!!!!!!!

We've gone back to some more consistent ring work. The first day we went back in there, I thought at the time it was  a fluke, he was horrible. Just generally all over the place not wanting to bend, turn, stop, etc.

Wowzers was I shocked after how amazing he's been in the fields. Apparently the freedom went to his head. Goober. Since that ride we've been on a bit of a roller coaster. One day he's manageable the next not so much. The only thing I've found that he can "get to work" with is jumping. No matter how out of control he's being if I point him at a jump he almost instantly comes back to me.

So we've been having bouts of bolting out of the blue. It's only tracking left. Mainly at the canter, although the trot isn't all to pleasant just a prelude as to what will come at the canter. For instance after working hard to get the left lead he then locks on the whatever fence line is straight ahead of us and runs at. And he means it. Today we literally ran into the fence 3 times. I was able to manage on our last left lead attempt to careen him into a turn albeit it was UGLY and just awful but we did not hit the fence.

On to a more positive note is jumping is much improved. He's getting the hang of the gates. Ironically he has a harder time with a plain vertical than a gate. Our cross rails are obviously a piece of cake so we're slowly raising them up. AND his right lead is coming on in leaps and bounds. Today he kept the correct bend for about 80% of the time we were cantering on that lead!!!!!!!! We've still be hacking out just not for the whole ride mostly. Sometimes it's before sometimes it's after just trying to switch things up a bit. Keep him guessing.

Here's to hoping tomorrow we won't hit a fence.

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