Thursday, February 21, 2013

Some improvement!

I'll take it! Yesterday I managed to squeeze in another ride with the hackamore. Due to even more rain the fields were completely swamped so I rode in the yucky ring. He probably wasn't too pleased about that - but complied well enough.

He was much better in the hackamore today. We really concentrated on driving power from behind so that he wasn't focusing on the weird feeling of no bit. It seemed to really make a difference. The trot work was dramatically better he was lowering his head and "softening". I got gusty and tried cantering with it. It didn't go too bad. I was extremely surprised actually. And tracking right we even got a few strides on the correct lead. I didn't want to push it and ruin the progress so I ended it there.

Today I was so, so, so unbelievably tired! I didn't even try to ride. I could barely stay awake driving to the barn. I can't imagine if I came home first to let out Bogart and grab my stuff. I would have just died! (Since I HAVE to go out everyday to do hay.)


  1. I've been wanting to try Simon in a hackamore, maybe when he's sound again I will.

    1. I like riding in the hackamore it just takes a little adjustment period since I can't ride exactly like there's a bit in his mouth.
