Friday, November 23, 2012

My oh so productive week comes to an end.

The week started with so much promise. I was super excited with the start of it last Sunday. However today was the last day I'll be able to ride this week. So to sum up I rode Sunday (amazing), Wednesday (scary cow ride), and today (friday = hack day). Wow! Oh well best laid plans right?

Today the scary cows that were horse eating on Wednesday never reared their ugly heads today. Thank goodness! However we did have a ton, ton, ton of people in the area (not too close) out hunting. So guns were going off left and right. Poncho is of course the only horse on the property who thinks the sound is earth shattering. However with the fact we were riding he kept his cool. I was actually pretty damn amazed. It could have actually been worse than the cow episode BUT it was not, go Poncho! However with all the "chatter" he was less than focused on doing any productive work. So after a little I just let him wander around on a loose rein and do his pony man thing. Which led us to going through the woods in his field. However we couldn't get all the way through with me still in the saddle. I had to hop off and lead us out. Oh well. He had fun.

Then I rode Midnite. My mom has decided that since she can't work her enough she would like me to try and squeeze in as many rides as I can. Right now we are doing nothing exciting basically just building up her stamina for the most part. She's not a fan on working from behind. She's more run around on the forehand and pull my arms out kind of girl. So we worked mainly on that today.

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