Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Flowers will kill you, it's a fact apparently.

That's right. Flowers = death! At least Poncho thought so on Saturday and Sunday.

Some of the jumps had been redone on Saturday which included adding flower boxes to them all. No big deal one would think. However not the case for Poncho man. He refused the first time. Then for the next 3 times launched over the jump like it was 4 feet, it was a 2 foot cross rail. Geebers! We did finally manage to get a nice jump each direction though.

Sunday we hacked around the fields for awhile before heading to the ring. We tackled the cross rail again which he was perfect for. Then we moved to a vertical with different colored flowers - oh no, no, no! He refused the first time. Second time he knocked the rail down then hopped it. So we worked on just jumping over the flowers until he was comfortable. It luckily didn't take too long.

Other than the jumping his flatwork has been steadily improving bit by bit. However he did whack his LH ankle got a nice scrape and just a hair of swelling - which made him not want to pick up his left lead. But before scrape he was getting 8/10 times now!