Friday, May 3, 2013

PART 2 - The move!

Wednesday day morning started out a tad gloomy but as we arrived at the barn the sun was starting to peak out. We got there about an hour early because I wanted to make sure I had EVERYTHING done in time and that Poncho was semi-clean. The new BO ended up getting there about 10 minutes early so thank goodness I had a head start.

Now I will mention in the past Poncho has had off and on trailer issues. However the last 4 or 5 times we've trailered he's been a total pro! Well apparently our luck ran out this morning. After the first 15 minutes or so we decided we'd just put Midnite on so that she wouldn't think there was some horrible monster up there and so that Poncho could hopefully be a little more motivated? Not so...Ultimately it took about an hour give or take a couple minutes to get him on there. There were several almost, and by almost I mean he was literally on the trailer but then someone came racing down the drive way 2 different times. So every time after that when he was basically on at the last minute he'd run off again. GAHHH. And the worst part is during the second drive by I was already scooting under the bar up front and got some rope burn (plus several impressive blisters) from not being quite fast enough. :(
So after all that we finally get to the new barn! Poncho had worked himself up quite a bit on the ride over he was covered in foam all up and down his chest. Poor guy, he knows better. So we got them into their stalls so we could coordinate who they would go out with and where. Because the plan was to turn them out with a buddy for a couple hours and then bring them in so once they went out at night there would be slightly less drama. Poncho of course got wayyyy to close and personal with his buddy. But ultimately spent his time running around like a dork. Midnite didn't even pay attention to her buddy. Go figure. Then we got all our stuff set-up and planned on coming back out later to see them get turned out. (I love being only 10 minutes away!)
Poncho went out first and was quite interested in all his new buddies and thankfully there were no immediate scuffles between anyone. Midnite on the other hand was a tad confused about going to a different field and took off to find Poncho (almost running into a shed on the way DORK). Then once she found him decided he wasn't cool anymore and ran off with the other mares. SO that left Poncho devastated. The remainder of the time we were there he was running laps, jumping over logs, just carrying on squeaking (he can't whinny and run or basically whinny at all.) Needless to say I left with my fingers crossed he'd calm down soon and just enjoy his new friends.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch rope burn! I'm sure he settled down just as soon after you left :)
