Sunday, May 19, 2013

Riding with other and JUMPING again!

Wow, what  whirlwind these last two days have been!

Yesterday when I got to the barn there were two other boarders there. Which meant that would be the first time Poncho has been ridden with other horses (except for Midnite) in nearly 9 months. I had no clue what to expect...

He totally surprised me though - he was a super star. Got straight down to business and strutted his stuff for the others. (Of course we need to look good for a lady horse!) We did mostly w/t. When we tried a little canter he got a bit to show offy, and we lacked some control. So we decided to save that for another day. Instead he had a blast splashing through all the puddles in the ring and watching everyone do their thing.

Today however Poncho was beyond amazing. We did w/t/c. His canter was getting so adjustable today and even on his "bad" lead he was super willing and compliant (not normal). However when we went to canter through a puddle that was a little too much for him (water even hit me in the face - WOOPS!). His trot work was to die for at times. Once we canter around a little his trot work just goes to a new level. I really need to just canter him a lap each way before trotting one day. He immediately accepts the contact and really steps under himself! I love it!!!!!!! Also we jumped today. Nothing big or scary. Just a 2ft cross rail. But he was so excited to do it. You would have though it was atleast 3ft. Goober.

Then after riding I took him back to the wash stall to show him it still isn't going to eat him. He needed a lot of convincing but finally did it - and lived!!!!!

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